Thursday, June 07, 2007

I should stop smokin da 'erbs

Some weeks ago, I woke up in the middle of the night sobbing because I dreamt that Spidey had died from a drowning accident. It only took a moment to realise that he was still very much alive, sleeping soundly next to me, deliciously warm and completely unawares of my hysterics. Just to be sure though, I pinched, poked and prodded at him like a pork chop at market. This caused him to stir, which then caused me to deliriously vomit out a scene-by-scene narrative of my nightmare.

When it occurred to me that he wasn't paying any attention, and that I had probably roused the neighbourhood horses, I found a warm nook against his body and ensconced myself there till the wee hours of the morn.

I am writing this now because I couldn't bring myself to do it the day after it happened. I thought I would jinx myself or him. Dammit, I don't even believe in that bubblefuck!

On a much lighter note, I dreamt a few days later that I got in a funky bunch with Marky Mark. really is that big!


At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a lovely post. A lovely, life affirming, joyous exposition of your love for Simon. Your creativity knows no bounds and furthermore, your prowess with the pen (keys) astounds me. I worship you and your talent. Lokes you are the manifestation of all things good and literary, and your writing drips with warmth and poignancy in every line.

How much am I getting paid for this comment? Oh right. You want more.

WHEN HAVE I EVER READ SUCH PROSE, SUCH WONDERFULLY HONEST, HEART RENDERING WORDS? Kudos to you for reminding us why we read, why we check your blog every day, pressing the refresh button and crossing our fingers and toes that something new has been scribbled down. Thankyou for sharing so much of yourself with us.

In summation, truly butterflies and clouds alone, know what the happiness of reading one of your posts is like.

Ok, seriously. I really liked it sweetpea. You didn't need to tell me to be nice, because I would have been. Dreams like the one you had suck, and I understand all of your nutty superstitions absolutely. Bless you for waking him up and forcing him to listen to his dream death… This makes up for his not being the one to fix your antenna!!


At 10:06 AM, Blogger Beckster said...

It's karma, that's what it is. That's what you get in return for dreaming about bonking Marky Mark. Don't worry bitch, neither dream will come true.

At 10:48 AM, Blogger Lokes said...

I'm humbled Lau Lau. :)

Whilst I wouldn't consider Simon handy in the Tool Time kinda sense, he does have a multipurpose hammer which usually does the trick.

Becks, just as well Marky Mark was a dream. I'd be torn knowing I'd have to choose between him and a hairy mutt!!!

At 8:12 AM, Blogger so..?!! said...

you're a lunatic.

At 4:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg woman! u should definitely stop whatever the hell ya smokin and give the man some sleep!

- giz


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